Midlife is just the beginning!

Are you, like us, a woman of a certain age, in midlife, with a changing body and a longing for more? Your children may be leaving the nest, or you may have an increased yearning to make changes to your career, relationships and lifestyle.

Do you finally want to live out some secret ambitions and unexplored parts of yourself? Perhaps you have an inner rock chick that wants to shine. Perhaps that explorer in you wants to get out and discover new worlds or maybe you simply want to be able to speak your truth more of the time. 

If so, this light-hearted, yet profound, 8 week course could be the catalyst to making courageous, freeing and joyful change.   

Together we help you find clarity about what’s important to you and get to know yourself on a deeper level. We explore what you have been blocking, putting off, hiding or denying - what dreams, aspirations and aspects of your true self  you have kept. We will help you free yourself up to express yourself fully and wholeheartedly. 

Everyone is different: we interact with ourselves, our relationships and communities in very unique ways. We will look at the variety of aspects found within ourselves, the inner team and how they shape us. We will consider how our energy - our mindset and emotions - have a huge effect on what shows up in our lives and how we create our own success story. 

This is a chance for taking a leap of faith, held by two experienced coaches and cheered on by a community of like-minded forward-thinking women. 

Ready to take the leap?  

What's included

  • Eight 2 hour live classes, Thursdays 4-6pm GMT (11am - 1pm EST). Oct. 26th - Dec. 14th 2023

  • E-mail support in between sessions

  • A dedicated Facebook group

  • 2 live Q&A sessions during the 8 weeks (optional)

  • Weekly calls with 3 or 4 of your fellow participants, for deeper support

  • Creation of your own 'Personal Portfolio' by the end of the course

  • Weekly challenges / homework (but nothing too onerous!)

  • A toolbox of daily practices

  • Tuition and mentoring from 2 experienced coaches with over 45 years practice between them.

Pricing options

You can choose - either a one time payment of payment in two installments

On this course you will...

  • Move beyond fear and indecision

    By the end of this course you will have a renewed clarity about who you are, what you want and how to create lasting change. You will be equipped with a deeper understanding about the unique triggers, attitudes and beliefs which create issues for you. You will know how to positively transform these with tried-and-tested mindset and embodied techniques.

  • Experience a greater sense of belonging

    This is the kind of belonging that has you 'come home to yourself' on a deeper level. This is achieved by reconnecting you with any hidden and rejected aspects of yourself. By re-befriending ourselves we automatically are more available and generous with our loved ones and communities. But it starts with us. Through the weekly calls and smaller peer-group calls we will create a loving soul community of midlife sisters.

  • Create your personalised toolkit and portfolio

    Together we will help you create a lasting set of practices for you to sail through life's challenges and take you through the next stretch of unchartered waters. You will finish the course with a tangible piece of work: a unique and personalised positive energy portfolio (PEP :-). It's like a 'best life resume' to refer back to whenever you need it, to help you stay on track and energised.

What previous participants say about us...

“This gave me the confidence to believe I could be who I wanted to be, and the courage to announce that to the world. I enjoyed the very practical ways in which we were shown how to raise our vibrational energy to be in alignment with our true selves, and the ongoing support over the weeks of the course, was uplifting and inspiring. ”

Nikki P.

“Just dropping you a thank you to say how much I appreciated [your course]. So many great insights you shared that I could really resonate with and go Yeah yeah that's the way to do it! Thank you for your love and openness in allowing everyone to share personally without any ridicule or judgement. Can't say enough good things about my experience, I am very grateful to have been a part of it.”

Anna McC.

“Thanks to this work, I feel as though things can now fit into place in the most gentle and inevitable of ways… I feel both more in control of my life path, and less worried about needing to control it. I am truly grateful and will remember our work throughout my life, as a lovely turning point! ”

Miriam G.

Pricing options

You can choose - either a one time payment of payment in two installments

Theresa Sansome

Hello I'm Theresa (aka "T"). I'm a Life, Leadership & Visualisation Coach with over 25 years experience helping people from all walks of life. I know too well that low self-confidence and uncertainty can seriously block our progress in life. For years, right up until my early thirties I struggled with feelings of low self-worth, until I learned a very important lesson: “I can – and I am absolutely allowed to – create my own life-experience. I get to do that. Not anyone else. Me!” I’m passionate about helping you find your OWN way. Find out more at: www.futureselfnow.com

Theresa Sansome

Anna Rae-Jones

Anna Rae-Jones is a trained life coach; mindfulness & resilience practitioner; contemporary artist/performer, oh and naturally part clown! Originally from an NHS occupational therapy background, Anna has over 22 years experience of working with people of all ages including children and vulnerable adults, aiming to bring out the best in everyone. She has worked 1:1 with a multitude of people from all walks of life, led various types of groups for wellbeing, devised & been involved in creative projects including land art, street theatre, music, dance and singing. Find out more at: www.annarray.uk

Anna Rae-Jones

Pricing options

You can choose - either a one time payment of payment in two installments

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